Home Owner’s Association Dues

  • Fence Repair & Maintenance

    Every year we repair and paint sections of the common areas fencing that has wear and tear.

  • Lake Maintenance

    The lake is a beautiful part of our neighborhood, and requires regular upkeep to maintain safety standards.

  • Snow Removal

    Your HOA dues pay for the removal of snow on some streets in our neighborhood. The other streets are the City of Louisville’s responsibility. For more information about your street, please email Roxanne

Dues are $300/year/household. We use a property management company, KY Realty, to collect them. Collection forms are mailed in November, and need to be paid by the following January 31 to avoid late fees. We have made it super convenient, with many different ways to pay your HOA dues:

1) On our website at www.kyrealtyonline.net. Click the Recurring Western Alliance to pay directly to the bank. You can pay with a one-time or recurring payment by credit or debit card for a bank charged convenience fee, or Free by E-check.

You will need the following:

Management ID - 0113

Association ID - 701

Your Account # - (contact Roxanne at KY Realty for your account number)

2) Bill-pay through your own bank, set up by you and sent to:

PO Box 93117
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193-3117

(include your account number and address)

3) You may drop a check or money order off at the KY Realty office (3944 Bardstown Rd) with your account number and property address, made payable to Windsor Forest Association.

4) Through TownSquare either through the website www.townsq.io or the app on your phone.